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Get to know your new pup


Standard, Toy, Mini

Aussiepoo’s have a ton of different nicknames including the Aussiedoodle, Australian Shepherd Poodle mix, Aussipoo, or Aussiedoo.  Aussiepoo’s are a fluffy ball of high energy and come from breeding the Australian Shepherd and Poodle together.  

When you first think of this Australian Shepherd Poodle mix, it does not make much sense to combine these two different dog personalities together.  However, the Aussiedoodle has superior genetic traits in that it is low shedding, great for dog owners with pet allergens, and typically the coat is a couple colors with the most common being the blue merle Aussiedoodle.  In addition, the Aussiepoo has a great personality that is nonaggressive, extremely intelligent, family friend, and highly trainable.  

With proper socialization, the Aussiepoo is a great family dog and gets along with anyone as long as they are socialized as a puppy.  On the downside, the Aussiepoo requires tons of attention in terms of physical and mental activities. Both the Australian Shepherd and Poodle are active dog breeds that like to run, walk, and keep busy.  Without proper exercise the Aussiepoo is likely to become destructive around your home as they become “bored”. This oftentimes leads to disobedience and mischievous activities like chewing on shoes or other objects.  It’s good to consider mental stimulation like chewing on horns or dog puzzles.

Australian Shepherd

Standard, Toy

The breed is typically highly energetic, requiring a great deal of exercise and attention. An Australian Shepherd enjoys working, whether it is learning and practicing tricks, competing in dog agility, or engaging in any other physically and mentally involving activity. They are kind, loving, and devoted to those they know. They are very loyal to their owners, and are rewarding dogs if treated well. Because the breed was developed to serve on the ranch, a job which includes being protective of its property, it is not inclined toward obsessive barking.

The recommended amount of food an Australian Shepherd should eat is 1-1/2 to 2 cups of dry food a day, but size, exercise level, and age should be considered. With proper diet and exercise, the Australian Shepherd can stay in good shape.

Australian Shepherds have a medium-length, water-resistant coat. With the coat being somewhat long and wavy or curly, this breed does shed, mostly in the spring to get rid of the winter coat. The shepherd should be brushed weekly to maintain a healthy and clean coat and also to prevent matting. Being a "working dog", this breed should be outside to get its needed exercise. If a dog is dirty, a basic bath can be given, but not frequently, for it can dry out the skin and coat.


Standard, Toy

Bichons have coats that require a diligent grooming schedule. Bichons may need grooming approximately every four to eight weeks. This breed tends to have hair growing within the ear canals, that if not plucked regularly, can trap moisture, bacteria, and yeast, creating an unbalanced microbiome in the ear.

The American Kennel Club refers to the Bichon Frise as "merry" and "curious", and the breed standard calls for a dog that is "gentle mannered, sensitive, playful and affectionate." The dogs are generally very sociable and do well with an owner who takes them along on outings and are affectionate and intelligent. Bichons do well with children because they are playful and have lots of energy. If affiliated with a particular territory and encouraged by owners, they can become very territorial. Developed as a companion-dog breed, the Bichon Frise tends to get along well with both children and other animals. Bichon Frises are very obedient if training is started early and continued constantly.


Standard, Toy

English Bulldogs have amazing personalities. English Bulldog puppies tend to be frisky and playful, while adults are calm, and often sluggish. Adults spend many day time (and night time) hours sleeping. Depending on individual personalities, English Bulldogs can either be friendly with strangers, or passive, but never aggressive towards those they don’t know.

Because of their passive-friendly personalities, they don’t often bark, but may be intimidating to trespassers. 


The French Bulldog, like many other companion dog breeds, requires close contact with humans. If left alone for more than a few hours, they may experience separation anxiety.This is especially true when they are young, but persists into adulthood. Its anxiety may lead a French Bulldog to behave destructively and for its housebreaking to fail.

French Bulldogs do have certain health issues that owners can help avoid with proper care. For one, they have fairly minimal exercise needs, but do require at least daily short walks. Since French bulldogs fall into the dog category of a so-called "flat faced dog", too strenuous of exercise that results in heavy breathing specifically in hot temperatures should be avoided. xercise is an effective way to keep French bulldogs healthy but it is imperative and recommended that French bulldogs should not be allowed near bodies of water as they are not capable of swimming due to their bodily structure being so heavy towards their front.

Victorian Bulldogs are highly sought after, but they are extremely rare, they only recently made their way to America in the past decade. Their affectionate nature means they require lots of attention and will love to cuddle up with you on the couch and have some belly scratches.

They are drawn to people and enjoy being the life and soul of your house with their funny nature. Victorian Bulldog puppies are playful and rambunctious, but mellow out quickly into calm, content adults. They are more than content to play with anyone if encouraged, but, they are also more than happy to just be by your side.

These dogs are not huge barkers, so you shouldn’t expect much noise from them, however, once they start barking it is very difficult to get them to stop.


Standard, Teacup

How a Chihuahua behaves depends on the genetic temperament of their parents and grandparents. Their small size makes them delicate and vulnerable to injuries and attacks from larger animals. Like all dogs, they benefit from appropriate socialization and training. Chihuahuas tend to learn better when being rewarded positive reinforcement, such as a treat or praise. With the proper training a Chihuahua needs this dog can be extremely intelligent. The way a dog is trained will influence its behavior. Chihuahuas can be easily frightened or provoked to attack, so are generally unsuitable for homes with small children.

Chihuahuas may tremble or shiver when stressed, excited, or cold. These dogs, especially the short coat variety, are less tolerant of cold than larger breeds, and require a sweater/coat and/or boots in cold weather. They seek warmth in sunshine, under blankets, or on furniture, or human laps. Some Chihuahuas may present separation anxiety as a result of being so close and loyal to their owners. This is a fairly common cause behind any pacing, excessive salivating, destructive chewing, or barking, howling, or whining in dogs. Many treatments and tips can help prevent separation anxiety in dogs.The lifespan for a Chihuahua is usually between 12 and 20 years.


Small, Medium The Cavapoo is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle (typically a Miniature Poodle or a Toy Poodle). They are also known as a Cavadoodle or Cavoodle. With two different purebred parents, there’s no guarantee which parent’s genes will be more dominant in Cavapoo puppies. Sometimes the traits are combined evenly, while other times the puppy will resemble one of the parental breeds more. It’s impossible to predict at this point in time. 

The Cavapoo is a “busy” dog that loves to be active and as a result, these pups require a healthy diet of high-quality dry kibble. Not unlike most dog breeds, these hybrids also have complex nutritional needs that are best met through a dry food formula specifically tailored for them. 

Cavapoos are intelligent and curious dogs who learn quickly and are highly trainable. Begun early, house training, socialization, and eventually a wide range of tricks, can be successfully taught to this eager-to-please breed. Affectionate, loyal and friendly, the Cavapoo gets along well with kids and household pets including both canine and non-canine. These dogs will love just about anyone one and anything. Cavapoos thrive on human companionship and should not be considered an option if you are planning to kennel your pet. They do not respond well to those environments at all.


A Cockapoo can be the result of mating either the American Cocker Spaniel or English Cocker Spaniel with a Poodle. Overall Cockapoos are usually healthy and happy dogs. Mixed breed dogs are affected by genetic diseases equally as much as pedigree dogs. As with a lot of smaller dogs they tend to be quite long-lived, and it's not unusual for cockapoos to live to 15 years or more.

Like many floppy-eared breeds, Cockapoos can be subject to ear infections, and it's important to keep their ears clean and dry. Cockapoos have become popular because they generally combine the outgoing, loving personality of the Cocker spaniel with the low-shedding, low-dander qualities of the Poodle. Cockapoos are active, and thrive when they receive regular exercise. Cockapoos can be very agile, excelling at "retrieve" games and enjoying activities such as swimming. Cockapoos are frequently very needy dogs and as such are not suitable to be left alone for long periods as they frequently suffer from separation distress or anxiety.

Coton de Tulear 

For the smart and sweet-natured Coton de Tulear (Coton for short), the perfect day consists of nothing more than being with his person, whether it's lying at her feet while she works, following her from room to room — not even the bathroom is sacred — or going for a ride to Starbucks. The Coton is a playful, affectionate, intelligent breed. Although generally quiet, it can become very vocal -- grunting, barking, and making other noises when having fun. Cotons are known to have a habit of jumping up and walking on their hind legs to please people. Most Cotons love meeting new people and are very curious in new situations. Cotons are easy to train as they are very eager to please. Cotons love to swim, run, and play. They adapt well to any kind of living environment. A common trait of the Coton de Tulear behavior is to come alive in the evening.

The Coton has a coat that requires brushing and combing almost daily and bathing about once per week to maintain its beauty. Cotons love swimming; owners who have pools are recommended to let their Cotons play in the pool with supervision. Like poodles, they do not "shed", meaning they don't drop hair on furniture, carpeting, etc

The average life span of a Coton de Tulear is 14 to 19 years.


Standard, Miniature, Kaninchen

Dachshunds are playful, but as hunting dogs can be quite stubborn, and are known for their propensity for chasing small animals, birds, and tennis balls with great determination and ferocity.  

Dachshunds are known for their devotion and loyalty to their owners, though they can be standoffish towards strangers. If left alone too frequently, some dachshunds are prone to separation anxiety and may chew objects in the house to relieve stress. Dachshunds are burrowers by nature and are likely to burrow in blankets and other items around the house, when bored or tired.


Dachshunds can be difficult to housebreak, and patience and consistency are often needed in this endeavor. Dachshunds may not be the best pets for small children. Like any dog, dachshunds need a proper introduction at a young age. Well-trained dachshunds and well-behaved children usually get along fine. A full-grown standard dachshund averages 16 lb (7.3 kg) to 32 lb (15 kg), while the miniature variety normally weighs less than 12 lb (5.4 kg). The kaninchen weighs 8 lb (3.6 kg) to 11 lb (5.0 kg)


Standard, Medium, Miniature

Although not all goldendoodles exhibit the hypoallergenic coat type of the Standard Poodle, most goldendoodles do have a low to non-shedding coat. While the degree of shedding varies from dog to dog, overall, the goldendoodle exhibits less shedding than other dogs. Grooming requirements include regular haircuts, bathing, and brushing. Due to minimal shedding, Goldendoodles tend to have less dander, reducing allergic responses.

There are three main coat types. There is the straight coat, which is flat and resembles more of a golden retriever coat. The wavy coat type is a mixture of a poodle's curls, and a golden retriever's straighter coat. The last coat type is curly, which tends to look more like the poodle coat. 

The goldendoodle inherits the ears of Golden Retrievers; because their ears hang and do not allow water to drain, they are prone to ear infections and yeast infections in the ears from swimming.


The Havanese is small in size and sturdy in structure with a tail carried over its back and ears that drop and fold. The coat is abundant, long, and silky and comes in all colors. The Havanese has a spirited personality and a curious disposition, and is notable for its springy gait, a characteristic that distinguishes the breed from all others. They are highly adaptable to almost any environment. Havanese are generally healthy and sturdy with relatively few serious health issues. They typically live 14 to 16 years.


The Havanese is considered an ideal family pet and a true companion dog. Because of their strong social needs, Havanese will not thrive in an environment where they are isolated for several hours each day. The Havanese becomes very attached and are very loyal to their owners, often attaching to one person especially whom they will closely follow. 

It is best to train this dog at a young age, because some habits will stick as they become older. However, training these dogs while they are older is still possible. Like many toy breeds, the Havanese can be difficult to housebreak. However, Havanese can be trained to use a litter box, which can greatly reduce issues with housebreaking. This breed is very smart and can be house trained faster than most toy dogs.


Havapoo's are considered designer dogs.-- a cross between a Havanese and a Poodle (Miniature or Toy). They are widely loved and have playful personalities. Havapoo's are intelligent, affectionate, smart, and easy to train.These small pups are moderately. They're considered to be great choices for small homes/ apartments.  Havapoo's by nature do not like isolation. The Havapoo is a friendly, non-aggressive dog and socializes well with other dogs.

The Havapoo can weigh anywhere between 15 and 45 pounds. These dogs will usually get along well with strangers and other animals, so long as they are exposed to new faces from a young age.

The social instincts of the Havapoo are generally agreeable, but early socialization is important.


The Havashu is a small crossbreed dog from the Havanese and the Shih Tzu breeds. This affectionate pet is a very enthusiastic and hyperactive family companion dog. This breed is a suitable companion for kids, and it combines the people-loving personality of the Havanese and the feisty nature of the Shih Tzu.

The Havashu are very playful and could play all day. As much as they adapt well to living in an apartment, they could use a yard to run around freely. This dog is full of life, loves sitting on its owners’ lap, and welcomes strangers.

If you love tiny lapdogs, the Havashu is a perfect choice. But before you get one from your breeder, you need to know how to care for it, the nutrition needs, potential health issues, exercise requirements, grooming, and training needs. Here’s a complete guide.


Mal-Shis are known to be the most popular designer dog. They are best for families with children, a couple, or even seniors. They can live in any type of home, whether an apartment or a house with or without a yard. They are known to be a very loving, affectionate, and joy to be around type of dog. Because of their mixed breed, they get the personality from the Maltese and Shih Tzu. They are quite fast learners too, which makes it easier to teach them many tricks.

Mal-Shis are around 10 inches tall and generally classified as a small dog. They are low-shedders, often not shedding at all. Their coats are long and soft with a little wave to it. Since they can grow a long coat, they will need to be brushed daily to avoid them having tangles and mats. Another option is to keep their coat short so it is easier to manage.


This cute little dog is a cross of a Maltese and a Toy or Miniature Poodle. Clever, playful, and affectionate, Maltipoos retain their puppy-like looks and behavior well into their teen years. The coat can be scruffy or curly and comes in a variety of colors, although it is most often white or cream.

Maltipoos are affectionate, happy dogs that live to be in their owner’s company. They are extremely sociable, lacking the Maltese’s wariness of strangers, and most completely lack aggression, meaning they mix very well with other dogs and small pets. Maltipoos are easy to train. They are intelligent and always eager to please, and their natural docility means they accept their owners’ authority with question. As with any dog, they respond best to kindness and encouragement, rather than harsh correction should they misbehave, and raising one’s voice to a Maltipoo seldom has a positive impact on their behaviour.

Maltipoos are energetic and alert, but do not demand long walks. Most will be happy with around 30-minutes a day, though this should be doubled for those expected to live an indoor-only lifestyle. Their intelligence and deceptively athletic shape contrive to make them good competitors at agility and other sports, and many inherit the Maltese’s love of ball games.




Maltese are bred to be companion dogs. They are extremely lively and playful, and even as a Maltese ages, its energy level and playful demeanor remain fairly constant. Some Maltese may occasionally be snappish with smaller children and should be supervised when playing, although socializing them at a young age will reduce this habit. They also adore humans, and prefer to stay near them.[ The Maltese is very active within a house, and, preferring enclosed spaces, does very well with small yards. For this reason, the breed also fares well in apartments and townhouses, and is a prized pet of urban dwellers. Some Maltese may suffer from separation anxiety.

The Maltese does not shed, and is therefore a good choice for people with dog allergies. The coat is long and silky and lacks an undercoat. Some Maltese can have curly hair (especially behind their ears).They can exhibit signs of tear-staining. Some people prefer their dogs to have the coat short, clipped to a few centimetres in length.


Morkie is a cross between a purebred Yorkshire terrier and a purebred Maltese. Morkie appearance varies widely, some expressing more of a Yorkshire terrier appearance and some more of a Maltese look. Common coat colors are: Black, brown, and white. The coat is usually long and soft. Morkie ears can be pointed, like that of a Yorkie, or floppy, like that of a Maltese.

Morkies must be brushed every day to prevent their fine hair from knotting and matting and they must be groomed regularly. Haircuts are recommended every 6–10 weeks. Yorkshire Terriers and Maltese are considered non-shedders, as well as hypoallergenic, because they have hair instead of fur, and produce very little dander compared to furred breeds. People with mild allergies may be able to tolerate a Morkie, but others may still have allergic reactions, including to the dog's saliva.

Morkies are active and playful. They form strong attachments to owners as well as desire a lot of attention from their owners. Morkies are very social and love to be played with. They are excitable, energetic, confident, and loyal. This breed can be very difficult because of their stubbornness, which comes from the Yorkshire Terrier side, but they very quickly get the point of what you want so it is important to begin training early on in its life.

Morkies normally get along well with other dogs and non-canine pets that they have been brought up with. Morkies can be destructive if left alone for extended periods, and at such times can be prone to excessive barking and separation anxiety. Like many dogs, Morkies are suspicious of strangers or unusual sounds in their environment and are quick to alert owners.



Pomachon, also known as Bichonaranian or Pom Frise, is one of the more recent additions to the diverse and rich world of designer dog breeds. This small sized dog is a mix between two universally loved and popular dog breeds, the spunky and loyal Pomeranian and the sweet and cheerful Bichon Frise. Not unlike its parental breeds, Pomachon is also very cute looking, smart, and has an affectionate temperament: in fact, this hybrid breed was created as an ideal companion dog. The unique combination of breed-specific traits these adorable puppies are bound to inherit is what makes them so popular, both in terms of appearance and personality.

Pomachon is an exceptionally smart breed. Bichonaranian, intelligence is pretty much guaranteed. Both the Pomeranian and the Bichon Frise are established breeds with a long history, and dogs of both breeds are well-known as bright, intelligent, and easily teachable. For Pomachon designer dogs, life expectancy is between 12 to 16 years. Good care and living conditions are certainly to tip the scales to the higher number, so make sure your pooch gets everything they need to live a long and healthy life!



Pomeranians have a thick, double coat. While grooming is not difficult, breeders recommend that it be done daily to maintain the quality of the coat and because of its thickness and the constant shedding, with trimming every 1–2 months. The outer coat is long, straight, and harsh in texture while the undercoat is soft, thick and short. The coat knots and tangles easily, particularly when the undercoat is being shed, which happens twice a year.

Pomeranians are typically friendly, lively and playful. They can be aggressive with other dogs and humans to try to prove themselves. Pomeranians are alert and aware of changes in their environment, and barking at new stimuli can develop into a habit of barking excessively in any situation. They are somewhat defensive of their territory and thus may bark when they hear outside noises. Pomeranians are intelligent, respond well to training, and can be very successful in getting what they want from their owners. They are extroverted and enjoy being the center of attention, but they can become dominant, willful and stubborn if not well trained and socialized.

The life expectancy of a Pomeranian is 12 to 16 years. A well-bred dog on a good diet with appropriate exercise will have few health problems; and, if kept trim and fit, a Pomeranian is a sturdy dog. The Pomeranian is a small but energetic breed of dog. Although Pomeranians benefit from frequent attention, they need relatively little exercise: it is recommended to take them on several daily walks and let them run around an enclosed space.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi 

At 10 to 12 inches at the shoulder and 27 to 30 pounds, a well-built male Pembroke presents a big dog in a small package. Short but powerful legs, muscular thighs, and a deep chest equip him for a hard day’s work. Built long and low, Pembrokes are surprisingly quick and agile. They can be red, sable, fawn, and black and tan, with or without white markings.

The Pembroke is a bright, sensitive dog who enjoys play with his human family and responds well to training. As herders bred to move cattle, they are fearless and independent. They are vigilant watchdogs, with acute senses and a “big dog” bark. Families who can meet their bold but kindly Pembroke’s need for activity and togetherness will never have a more loyal, loving pet.

A strong, athletic little dog developed to herd cattle and other livestock, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi loves physical activity and is happiest when he has a job to do. Corgis benefit from moderate daily exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. 


Standard, Miniature, Toy

The poodle is an active, intelligent and elegant dog, squarely built, and well proportioned.

Unlike most dogs, which have double coats, poodles have a single-layer coat (no undercoat is present) composed of dense, curly fur that sheds minimally. They could be considered hypoallergenic (though not completely allergen free). The poodle does shed, but instead of the fur coming off the dog, it becomes tangled in the surrounding hair.

Poodles are known as a highly intelligent, energetic, and sociable breed. They require both physical and intellectual activities. A typical poodle should be reserved and a little aloof with strangers upon first introduction, but after a while should slowly reveal a warm and personable disposition once the dog realizes the new person is trustworthy and means no harm. Snappy, vicious behavior is considered a serious fault in the breed. Poodles are highly trainable dogs that typically excel in obedience training. A poodle will do well at many dog sports.

As with all dogs and babies, introductions should be gradual, though most Standards will tolerate a baby and learn to be gentle and will respect toddlers so long as the child is supervised. A Standard Poodle will be fine in a family with many children provided the environment is stable, orderly, and relaxed, with enough room for the dog to go out and retire somewhere quiet if needed. Miniature and Toy varieties tend to have less patience with young children and might find certain children's antics too much to handle, especially because young children are much larger than they are and may attempt to grab them without understanding how their attempt to hug the pooch is terrifying to a small dog. Poodles dislike being left alone or left out of the family fun and some get anxious at being left in the house alone, but sign of nervousness or neurosis is atypical and not how a poodle of any size is meant to behave.

Ear infections are a problem in all poodle varieties because their non-shedding coat grows into the ear canal, where it traps wax and dirt. Ear problems can be minimized by proper ear care, including regular cleaning and plucking of hair within the ear canal. 

Standard Poodles have lifespan of 11.5 to 12 years.


Miniature, Toy

The entertaining little Poo-Ton is a fun-loving family dog who brings the energy of the Coton de Tulear together with the playful nature of the Toy or Miniature Poodle for a pooch that just loves to hang out with this human pack and be the center of attention. This friendly little dog gets along with kids and other pets and in spite of his small stature, makes a terrific watchdog.

The Poo-Ton is a small, somewhat active dog and he will require a food designed specifically for his age, size and activity level. Always opt for a well-balanced top-quality kibble and control his consumption by serving it 2 to 3 times a day versus allowing him to free-feed. Because the Poodle in him can suffer from digestive issues including bloat, ensure it is low in fat and that any exercise is not planned for at least 1 hour after feeding.

The sweet-natured Poo-Ton is an affectionate little dog that gets along well with children and other pets. This energetic pooch is highly social and thrives on human companionship and interactive playtimes. He is a loving, loyal dog and although he can be aloof with strangers he isn’t known for excessive barking which makes him perfect for apartment living. This intelligent little dog is eager to please and quick to obey commands making him easy to train and an ideal choice for the first-time dog owner.


Small, Medium

Puggles are a cross breed of the Pug and Beagle. They have the wrinkles of their Pug parents and the longer muzzle, ears, and tail of a Beagle — a look that draws comparisons to miniature Mastiffs. This unique appearance and his friendly nature has driven a rapid rise in popularity since the first Puggle was bred in the 1990s.

Puggles are active. Not content to laze around the house, they play energetically indoors and out, racing around the dining room table and down the hall. Some enjoy digging outdoors. Expect to give them at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Puggles are good walking companions, but they're not the best choice if you want a jogging partner. Agility training is a good way to direct your fun-loving Puggle's need for speed.

Puggles are smart, but they may or may not be eager to please. Neither the Pug nor the Beagle is especially known for ease of training, and both breeds can be stubborn. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as food rewards, play, and praise, and keep training sessions short and sweet.


Standard, Giant, Miniature

The smallest of the working breeds, the Standard Schnauzer makes a loyal family dog with guardian instincts. Most will protect their home from uninvited visitors with a deep and robust bark. Originally a German farm dog, they adapt well to any climatic condition, including cold winters. In general, they typically are good with children. If properly trained and socialized early to different ages and temperaments of people, they can be very patient and tolerant in any situation. Like other working dogs, Standard Schnauzers require a fairly strong-willed owner that can be consistent and firm with training and commands.

Miniature Schnauzers have a very square-shaped build, measuring 11 to 14 inches (28 to 36 cm) tall and weighing 10 to 15 pounds (4.5 to 6.8 kg) for females and 11 to 18 pounds (5.0 to 8.2 kg) for males. The American Kennel Club breed standard describes temperament as "alert and spirited, yet obedient to command... friendly, intelligent and willing to please... never overaggressive or timid". Usually easy to train, they tend to be excellent watchdogs with a good territorial instinct, but more inclined toward barking than biting. They are often aloof with strangers until the owners of the home welcome the guest, upon which they are typically very friendly to them

Shiba Inu

Small, Medium

A small, alert and agile dog that copes very well with mountainous terrain and hiking trails, the Shiba Inu was originally bred for hunting. Shibas are known for their spirited personality, small upright ears, and cat-like agility. Today they serve primarily as a companion dog. The Shiba is a relatively fastidious breed and feels the need to maintain itself in a clean state. They can often be seen licking their paws and legs, much as cats do. They generally go out of their way to keep their coats clean. Because of their fastidious and proud nature, Shiba puppies are easy to housebreak and in many cases will housebreak themselves. Having their owner simply place them outside after meal times and naps is generally enough to teach the Shiba the appropriate method of toileting


Their average life expectancy is from 12 to 15 years. Exercise, especially daily walks, is preferred for this breed to live a long and healthy life.T hese dogs are very clean, so grooming needs will likely be minimal. They naturally tend to hate to be wet or bathed, thus, it is very important to start accustomed when they are young



The Shih-Poo is a mixed breed dog–a cross between the Shih Tzu and Toy Poodle dog breeds. Small, hypoallergenic and cuddly companions, these pups inherited some of the best qualities from both of their parents. Shih-Poo personalities can vary but typically will fall in the middle of parental traits. Most Shih-Poos are described as friendly and playful. They are the size of your average lap dog, and their moderate energy level means they'd probably enjoy napping in your lap for hours. While Shih-Poos enjoy a good siesta, they also enjoy walks and thrive on playtime. They may not be eager to learn new tricks but do enjoy interaction and attention.


The Shih-Poo could have either a Poodle's wavy coat or a Shih Tzu's long and straight coat. It is a small dog whose size is contingent on its poodle parent's breed. It will be a very small dog if its poodle parent is a Miniature Poodle. Breeders cross the poodle with a different breed in the hopes of getting a poodle's cleverness and minimal shedding coat along with the other breed's good qualities. The Shih-Poo has an attentive face, a solid physique, a tender personality, and a frolicky temperament. Its height ranges from 9 to 14 inches (0.23 to 0.36 m) and its weight ranges from 9 to 16 pounds (4.1 to 7.3 kg). Its average life expectancy is 13 to 15 years.



Although an individual Shih Tzus temperament varies from dog to dog, the breed has a personality and temperament that is loyal, affectionate, outgoing, and alert. They tend to be possessive around other dogs. Training and proper socializing must start at a young age for the Shih Tzu to obey basic commands, for the Shih Tzu is prone to stubbornness when it comes to training. Because of its friendly nature, the Shih Tzu tends to interact well with other dogs and with children and adults. They do well with singles, couples, and families with older children.

A Shih Tzu should stand no more than 26.7 cm at the withers and with an ideal weight of 4.5 to 7.3 kg. The typical fine, straight, and silky Shih Tzu coat has also been listed by many popular dog information websites as being hypoallergenic. In comparison with many other breeds, Shih Tzu do not shed to the same degree, only losing small amounts when bathed or brushed. It is the dog's dander and saliva that trigger most allergic reactions.. The UK Kennel Club survey puts the median lifespan of a Shih Tzu at 13 years and 2 months, with most living 10 to 16 years

Yorkshire Terrier


Yorkshire Terriers are very playful and energetic dogs. Many people who have a Yorkie as a pet have two, because they often have separation anxiety when left alone and "they don’t enjoy being alone."

The typical fine, straight, and silky Yorkshire Terrier coat has also been listed by many popular dog information websites as being hypoallergenic. In comparison with many other breeds, Yorkies do not shed to the same degree, only losing small amounts when bathed or brushed. The dog's dander and saliva typically trigger most allergic reactions.

The ideal Yorkshire Terrier character or "personality" is described with a "carriage very upright feisty" and "conveying an important air". Though small, the Yorkshire Terrier is active, very protective, curious, and fond of attention. Yorkshire Terriers are an easy dog breed to train. This results from their own nature to work without human assistance. They are naturally smart and quick to learn with many being food- and or praise-motivated. Because they were developed as a working breed, many need a lot of both physical and mental stimulation—with both long walks/runs but also indoor games and training to keep their mind busy. 

Yorkies often have a delicate digestive system, with vomiting or diarrhoea resulting from consumption of foods outside of a regular diet. The lifespan of a Yorkie is 13–20 years.

French Bulldog
Australian Shepherd
Shih Tzu
English Bulldog
Victorian Bulldog
Coton de Tulear
Shiba Inu
Mini Schnauzer
Standar Schnauzer

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